
Guidance Services

One of the goals of the University of Foggia has always been to take care of students, from the beginning to the end of their studies, through in-person guidance and dedicated Virtual Rooms.

The Department of Humanities offers the following services:

E-learning Portal

Information on Degree Programmes can be viewed and downloaded from the E-learning Portal of the Department of Humanities.

Peer Career Advising

The Peer Career Advising service (designed by the University's Career Development Centre) is available for free in all Departments and involves the assignment of a personal Peer Career Advisor (PCA), i.e. a ‘peer’ advisor suitably trained for the role. It is aimed at students enrolled in First- and Second-Cycle Degree Programmes. It is a highly customised guidance service capable of supporting and accompanying students in their university studies, by offering them individual or small group guidance on specific topics, such as: integration in the university environment, exam planning, acquiring study methods and techniques,  addressing study-related concerns and fears about the future, improving self-knowledge and personal development, implementing self-marketing tools (such as a CV or video CV), designing a thesis, building an educational and professional development project, developing key soft skills, effectively managing the selection process, creating a profile on the UniPlacement platform, participating in Career Fair and Recruiting days, etc.). 

Registration for the service can be done at any time by sending an email to:

The DISTUM PCAs offer online or ‘in-person’ guidance counselling (by appointment) in Via Arpi 155 (ground floor), where informative tutors are normally available.

Distum Educational Offer
Guidance and Tutoring